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Join the bootcamp!

You can't afford NOT to work on this.

Our family has some big goals we are working on this year. And the entire past 12-18 months have felt like a whirlwind of one thing after another. I know the next 6+ months will feel the sameā€¦and now school and activities are starting back up and it will be Christmas before we know it!Ā 

When life gets busy, the house gets messy. Itā€™s hard to always stay intentional and on top of everything all.the.time.Ā 

In June and July, I took on a really fun challenge. I started creating seasonal rotating meal plans to help put my kitchen on auto pilot. We are in a season of really needing to scale back to never eating out, to cutting our grocery budget when we can, but as our kids get older, we just keep going through more food.Ā 

So we did a 14 day meal plan bootcamp and it changed so many kitchens with the plans and organization we were able to set up during that time. Iā€™m not finalizing my entire year of meal plans which has felt so good!!Ā 

But one thing, as I work on big budget and savings goals and getting our home in orderā€¦is that itā€™s finally time to do this same thing to my over all household management.Ā 

Iā€™ve increasingly felt like it was time to get a much better plan in place for managing my home well. And I want you to join me! We are going to do the same bootcamp model from the meal plan challenge and do aĀ 

14 day home management bootcamp!

This will be the first time I run a bootcamp for home management and I am more than excited. Because as we go through the bootcamp together, I will be setting these systems up in my house as well.Ā And I am SO ready for it!!

Iā€™ve always functioned fairly well with loose home management systems. I do weekly cleaning and set my kids up with chore charts. But I feel like we are finally in a season where I need a master plan. I need it organized from the top down in a very thoughtful, helpful way and then I want to create a plan we can put on autopilot.Ā 

--> Imagine a life where Monday rolls around and youā€™ve got your cleaning sheet and masterplan for the week ALREADY done. All you have to do is flip open your notebook and look at your tasks for the week and for that day.

Things like: automating your laundry routine so it actually works for your family, building in deep cleaning like dusting the fans and washing the baseboards, and getting consistent with daily chores like dishes and cleaning the bathroom.Ā 

This bootcamp is going to be all about developing a master home management plan that is as flexible or as detailed as YOU need it to be for the season of life you are in.Ā 

We are going to be meeting daily for quick 10 minute training sessions and then youā€™ll have a few minutes of homework. This way, over 14 days, you will almost effortlessly develop your own home management systemā€¦that works and takes the daily mental load off of you so that your house becomes a well oiled machine.Ā 

I am asking for about 20-30 minutes a day, for just 2 weeks, to transform the way you run your house. Which in turn will help you with meal planing, cooking, saving money, and finding the time to accomplish your big important tasks in life.Ā 

Plus, we are going to have a ton of fun all meeting together!Ā 

Honestly, my next 2 months are pretty packed full. Weā€™ve got school starting up, a huge new bookstore launch, big savings goals we are working hard towards, and so much more. But I also know that if I don't make the time for this, I am going to head into the next busy season still feeling like my house, my cleaning, and our schedules are all over the place.Ā 

If you are done scrambling each week to figure out good cleaning schedules, get the kids involved in chores, and figure out how to find the time for it allā€¦then this bootcamp is going to change your home!!Ā 

Come join us šŸ˜

14 DayĀ Home Management Bootcamp

Creating your master home management plan broken into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks so your home can finally run smoothly!Ā 

We will be meeting briefly each day of the bootcamp. The teaching will be done via video in the community and each day I will give you the next baby step task to do in creating your home management system.Ā 

Our goal is going to be to put in the time over 2 weeks that will benefit our families for the entire year ahead (and more)! Throughout the 2 weeks, we will actually be creating our home management systems together. And they will get to be as unique as each individual family.Ā 

One of the BEST parts of our home management bootcamp, was the community members all sharing their tips and what they were doing. I gleaned so many new ideas from the other ladies doing the bootcamp and I know I wasnā€™t alone in that!Ā 


Access the community!Ā 

So we can all work on this together!Ā 

Picture this: Logging on each day of our bootcamp to spend 10-15 minutes with a community of other awesome women, all trying to figure out how to run our homes better. The chance to exchange knowledge, swap ideas, and give or ask for encouragement!Ā 

I think this is the beauty of this bootcamp honestly. Yes, the teaching will be great. The printables will give you the tools to get going. BUT the community is what it going to get all of us to actually do this. I need some accountability to get this done...and I have a feeling you do too!Ā 

The community is optional. You don't have to follow along if you don't want. You can just take the teaching and run with it on your own if you want šŸ˜˜


As Iā€™ve shared, a huge goal of ours right now is figuring out how to survive financially in this tough world! As Iā€™ve been working on my own home management and getting into good habits, Iā€™ve been returning to making my own cleaning products.Ā 

And boy oh boy has it been saving me so much money!! Throughout the bootcamp, one of the fun bonuses Iā€™ll be sharing are some of my cleaning recipes. We will start with homemade laundry detergent (it literally takes like 3 minutes to make) and dishwasher detergent. Then we will move on to some DIY sprays and other cleaners.Ā 

If you have a similar goal of working on saving money this year, I will 100% make sure you have everything you need to more than make up for the cost of this bootcamp!!Ā 

Printable Home Management System

Throughout bootcamp, each day will feature homework. You will get access to a full printable home management system so that as we fill out homework, you will be building out your system right there!Ā 

This bootcamp is incredibly unique as home management systems out there for sale easily run $40-100 just for the printables. Well you get the printable AND the daily teachings AND the community AND my bonus recipes, all included. My heart behind this bootcamp is to give you every single resource you need to really make a difference in your home. I want this bootcamp to be an incredible investment for your home and WELL worth the financial cost!!

Here's what I'm working on, you can join me too!Ā 

Iā€™ve never been the best cleaner. Awesome home management doesnā€™t come naturally to me. And I came into marriage having no clue how to run and manage a home. Iā€™ve had a crash course in learning it all over the past 14 years.Ā 

But then when we added babies to our home, it all got a lot harder. And while I manage okay throughout the week, Iā€™m finding myself in such a full season, that I need some extra help when it comes to managing it all.Ā 

Iā€™m finding myself struggling to get all the things done, not necessarily because I canā€™t find the time (although thatā€™s hard too), but because I just canā€™t get my brain organized around it all.Ā 

I need a clear, concise plan that maps out the things that are important to OUR household and fit around OUR weekly life that can just tell me what to do and when to do it.Ā 

I need a master brain and organizing center for my home. And thatā€™s what my goal is going to be.Ā 

I will be creating a master home management system that breaks down all of our household tasks, adds seasonal cleaning and deep cleaning schedules right into the weekly and daily rhythms.Ā 

ā€¦so this way I can open up my plan for the week and just GO!Ā 

Join the bootcamp: Here's what you get!Ā 

  • CreateĀ your own master home management system - IMMEDIATE ACCESS
  • A community of brilliant women to do this all with
  • ALLLL the printable pages you need to put this all into immediate action
  • Lifetime access to the material!Ā 
  • BONUS: Homemade cleaner recipes to help you save $$$!
Join the Bootcamp!

FAQs! If you have any more questions, just shoot them over to [email protected]