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Do you want to grow a garden but don't think you have the space or don't know where to start?

Don't you wish there was an easy, comprehensive, step by step guide sharing everything you need to know about starting a garden - from picking the seeds to canning the harvest?

Well you're in luck! My eBook, Apartment Gardening, has everything you need to start gardening today whether it's the Fall, mid Winter, Spring, or even late into Summer. I promise to help give you everything you need to know to start growing a garden in small spaces!

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Do you want to provide fresh, organic produce for your entire family at a fraction of the cost but don't know where to begin?

Do you live in an apartment, condo, rental house or other small space where you can't have a full garden? Or maybe you are simply too busy to plant a large garden? I've been there. For the first 4 years of our marriage, we lived in a small apartment with a tiny patio and no room to grow a full garden.

We've since moved into our first house with room for a full garden but I simply don't have the time for a full garden as a busy mom and homemaker!

I never dreamed that I could provide fresh fruits and veggies for my family with just a small patio (or even just  window sill)! This beginner's guide to container gardening covers:

  • How to pick which seeds to grow
  • When to start your seeds
  • Starting from young plants
  • Carting for your vegetables
  • The best plants to grow indoors and in small spaces
  • Making your own compost
  • Preserving the harvest with canning & freezing
  • Creating a Fall/Winter garden
  • How to garden organically and more!

As my husband and I have started a journey to eating real foods, one of the biggest things we have had to change was eating more vegetables. But fruit and vegetables can be so expensive, especially if you want to buy organic and/or loacal vegetables!

One day I discovered that herbs can be grown fairly easily indoors in small containers. This led me to try and find out what else I could grow in our apartment. And to my surprise, I found out that I could grow an entire vegetable garden on my upstairs patio! 

I could have herbs, tomatoes, peppers, and even potatoes. All grown in our second story apartment patio! Apartment Gardening  is a great resource to get you started growing your own vegetables indoors, in small spaces, on patios, or in containers.

For $9.99 you will get an introduction and beginner's guide for everything you need to know about container gardening! You will get over 100 pages of hands on how-to as well as 3 beautifully designed printables to help you get the most out of your garden all year long!

The Table of Contents:

Introduction Chapter
1: Biblical Truths Found in the Garden Chapter
2: What to Plant Chapter
3: Setting Gardening Goals Chapter
4: When to Plant Chapter
5: Start Your Seeds Chapter
6: Quick & Easy Seed Starting Method Chapter
7: Transplanting Your Seedlings Chapter
8: Growing from Young Plants Chapter
9: Caring for Your Vegetables Chapter
10: Benefits of Growing Herbs Chapter
11: Herb Gardening 101 Chapter
12: Why Grow Organically Chapter
13: Making Your Own Worm Compost Chapter
14: What are GMOs? Chapter
15: How to Garden Organically Chapter
16: The Story of the “Good” Bug Chapter
17: Harvesting Your Garden Chapter
18: Enjoy Your Harvest ~ Juicing Chapter
19: Enjoy your Plants Year Round Chapter
20: Preserving~ Spring Berries Chapter
21: Preserving ~ Swiss Chard Chapter
22: Preserving ~Tomatoes Chapter
23: Canning, Freezing, & Dehydrating Chapter
24: All About Sunlight Garden Printables
Suggested Resources

2nd Edition

Apartment Gardening is new and improved with the 2nd addition! Valuable information has been added as well as all new pages of resources to help you with all your gardening & harvesting needs! I have also included all new garden printables.

Bonus #1: My Dream Garden Worksheet

Not only will you get my step by step guide to growing, harvesting, and enjoying your vegetables, you will also get three awesome bonuses printables! I've included a Dream Garden worksheet to help you prioritize your garden this year.  It's so helpful to be able to sit down and figure out what it is that you really want to get out of your garden this year. Then you can head to the store and make it happen!

Bonus #2: Seed Schedule Worksheet

I developed this Seed Schedule to help keep me on track for when I need to plant each kind of seed indoors and when I can transplant them to outdoor containers or even to a full garden. I would be lost without this seed schedule!

Bonus #3: Preserving Guide Worksheet

This worksheet came into existence when I was sick and tired of letting my hard work and my garden go to waste. One huge benefit of container gardening to me is that I can dry, can, freeze, and dehydrate my garden and have vegetables all year long!

But that also means that I have 50 pounds of tomatoes that are ripe at once! This Preserving Guide has everything I need to plan my garden in such a way that I can work on preserving my harvest bit by bit all summer and it's not overwhelming and none of my produce goes to waste due to poor timing!