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Hurry! Your 20% off ends October 16th. Use coupon code: RESISTANCE My countdown

Introducing the...

Welcome to our brand new online conference all about learning how to THRIVE in a hard economy!

This is our 17th online conference we've hosted but the first of it's kind! This brand new conference will include over 20 practical and hands-on sessions to help your family thrive, no matter where you are at! 

Don't let the economy, the recession, money trouble, lack of time, or energy keep you from a thriving family. The sessions will focus on a wide range of topics to help - see below!

To join this amazing conference (normally $99), all you have to do is sign up for the Joyful Home App ($10.39 with coupon code) and you'll get full access to the conference!

Session #1: Budget Friendly Meals Your Family Will Love with Jami Balmet

This session will focus on how to design cheap but healthy meal plans, how to stretch meat to make more food, simple healthy swaps that are low cost, and more! This session alone will be worth your $10.39 investment in the conference 😍

Session #2: Depression Era Tips From My Great-Grandma with Jami Balmet

Have you ever wondered how our ancestors made it through the great depression, food rationing, and the lack of a centralized food system? This session will dive deep into the best depression era tips we can apply today to help our families THRIVE! 

Session #3: Making Your Home Lovely on a Budget with Jami Balmet

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew a secret we don’t. They knew how to create warm and lovely homes that somehow didn’t include $300 trips to Target. This session will focus on those warm and lovely aspects of making a house a home that are cheap, free, and easy! 

Session #4: How to Live Generously When Money's Tight with Brittany Ann

A tight budget doesn't have to prevent you from living generously. Join this session to learn smart, creative ways to make a difference even when you don't have a lot of time or money to spare. You can do more than you think!

About Brittany: Brittany Ann is the ECPA bestselling author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word” and “Follow God’s Will” as well as the founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping busy Christian moms cultivate a strong faith and a close family without all the overwhelm. Her work has been featured on numerous TV, radio, and online ministries, including CBN, MSN, Christianity Today, Evangelical Alliance, Patheos, Crosswalk, and more. 

Session #5: Discovering Peace in the Middle of Chaos by Hilary Bernstein

A recession can add a lot of stress, concerns, and uncertainties to life. Peace in the middle of challenging times isn't impossible, though! Author Hilary Bernstein will help you learn how to discover and thrive with peace through scriptural truth and practical tips.

About Hilary: Hilary Bernstein is the author of more than a dozen devotional books. At, she helps women experience peace and purpose in their lives and homes through blog posts and weekly emails. As the women's ministry director at The Chapel in Green in Ohio, Hilary leads women closer to Christ and each other. A planner, foodie, and frequent hostess, Hilary loves to both travel and spend time at home with her husband and teenage son and daughter.

Session #6: Gardening for Almost Free! with Maudie Smith

A really important way we can combat inflation, rising costs, and becoming more self-sufficient is by gardening. And gardening doesn't have to be expensive. Join Maudie as she shares tips on how to garden when you have little to no budget and how having a garden can be a blessing if you’re willing to put the work in! 

About Maudie: Momma to 9, Grammy to 3, stay at home wife, home educator, half acre homesteader, daughter of the King!

Session #7: How God’s Goodness and Sovereignty is Seen in our World Today with Sarah Frazer

Does the news keep you awake at night? Are you worried about tomorrow or what this next year will bring? In this session Sarah hopes to help provide hope and peace to your heart as you study what scripture says about God's goodness and sovereignty. Learn how to sleep in peace knowing we serve a God who is both in control and good.

About Sarah: Sarah Frazer is the author of I Didn’t Sign Up for This. She hopes to encourage women to discover God goodness when their stories shift. She and her husband live in the Appalachian hills with their five children and a Mini Australian Shepherd named Minnie. Her work has been featured on Crosswalk, Proverbs 31 Ministries, YouVersion, Gospel Centered Discipleship, and Christianity Today. Connect with Sarah by visiting or by searching @sarahefrazer on social media.

Session #8: Depression-Proof Your Mind: 5 Practical Ways to Safeguard Your Mind with Arabah Joy

It's easy to feel fearful and anxious in today's world but Scripture tells us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. This includes negative, fearful, and anxious thoughts! If you want to live confident, well-nourished, and full of peace in spite of the chaos around you, this workshop is for you. You'll discover 5 practical, Scripture-based strategies to overcome negativity, anxiety, and fear. Don’t let negativity control your life--join us and learn to safeguard your mind and reclaim your peace.

About Arabah: Arabah Joy is a Christ follower with over 27 years in ministry, including church planting, 14 years of overseas missionary service, writing, and online mentoring. She runs Sojo Academy, an online Bible study community for women worldwide with her ministry partner, Jen Evangelista. She likes hiking, boba tea, and her family, including her husband of 30 years, Jackson, their 4 children, and a brand new grand daughter! You can connect with her on Instagram or on her website at

Session #9: Back Pocket Recipes to Prevent Food Waste with Tiffany Terczak

Every family throws food away, but did you know you can save up to 40% on your grocery budget just by reducing your food waste? In this session, I'll show you how to turn garbage to gourmet by having "back pocket recipes" for the foods you love - simple yet delicious ways you can turn to time and time again to use up whatever randomness is going on in the fridge.

About Tiffany: Tiffany Terczak is a grocery budget expert and nutrition coach living on 30 acres in rural South Carolina. When she's not hunting for grocery deals or helping women achieve real body goals by eating the foods they love, she's either working on a jigsaw puzzle or reading a book.

Session #10: Recession Proof Your Health and Wellness Care with Homeopathy with Amanda Pelser, PHom, H.Hom

In this session, certified homeopath Amanda Pelser will explore with you how homeopathy can be a powerful tool for those seeking self-reliance and self-sufficiency as well as how this Biblically-aligned and hope-filled system of wellness care can make you a better steward of your resources. We'll define homeopathy, discuss the philosophical differences between homeopathy and conventional allopathic medicine, and discover the cost and lifestyle benefits of using homeopathy. You will learn practical strategies for becoming self-reliant through knowledge of homeopathy and becoming self-sustainable by creating a remedy kit and how to stretch those remedies. You’ll walk away better equipped to use homeopathy to care for yourself and your family, become a better steward of your resources, and be prepared to serve others in times of need.

About Amanda:Amanda Pelser is a wife, a homeschooling mom of four boys, and an aspiring homesteader. After finding herself bedridden with chronic pain, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions, Amanda was left hopeless by the conventional medical community. Desperate for a change, she used her background as a seminary-trained researcher to integrate her Christian faith with the practice of homeopathy and reclaim her health. With 10+ years of experience using homeopathy, now, as a certified homeopath, Amanda gives hope to Christian moms who are ready to find biblically aligned, hope-filled health for themselves and their families. Connect with Amanda at for personalized wellness consults and homeopathic educational opportunities.

Session #11: Overcoming Overwhlem in the Home Business/ Homeschool Life with Naomi Fata

Do you hear yourself saying how anxious and overwhelmed you are? Have you ever wanted to stop living that way. Join me as I share the journey of homeschooling and running an alterations business out of my home as I share some of the lessons God has taught me.

About Naomi: Naomi Fata is a professional sewist specializing in bridal alterations and custom fitted slipcovers. In her spare time, she is a speaker, author, and regular contributor to God’s Corner for her local newspaper. She and her husband Tony live in upstate New York and homeschool their three children.

Session #12: Everyday Peace: A Deep Dive into Philippians 4:1-13 with Katie Orr

In a world full of problematic people, stressful seasons, and concerning circumstances, in can be hard to enjoy even a moment — let alone a lifetime — of peace. In this session, we will dive deep into what Scripture says about the peace of God, and how we can experience it daily.

About Katie: Katie Orr loves to teach God's Word and help women enjoy next-level Bible study. Her innovative Bible study methods are used by thousands around the world. She is the author of Secrets of the Happy Soul: Experience the Deep Delight You Were Made For, seven FOCUSed15 Bible studies, and is the creator of the Bible Study Hub community where women can receive training and encouragement to enjoy God’s Word. She and her pastor-husband Chris have served together in ministry for over twenty years. They live in Florida, along with their three teenagers. Learn more about and connect with Katie at

Session #13: Great Grandma's Menu Plan with Amy Roberts 

Session description coming soon!

Session #14: Homeschooling on a budget? How to create beautiful rhythms and school without spending a ton by Elizabeth Santelmann

Session description coming soon.

Session #15: How-to recipes with Felicia from Grains & Grit

Session description coming soon. 

Session #16: Raising poultry and how it benefits your home with Jess Todd

Session description coming soon.

Session #17: Organizing your Fridge, Freezer, + Pantry with Kayse Pratt

Session description coming soon. 

Session #18: Bread Making to the Benefit of Your Family with Mariah Knox

Session description coming soon. 

Session #19: More with Less: High-Yield Meals for Tight Budgets with Marlene Griffith

Session description coming soon. 

Session #20: Side hustles to make a little extra money from home! with Steph Thompson

Session description coming soon. 

Session #21: Filling Your Freezer with 34 Scratch Made Freezer Meals with Jamerrill Stewart

Session description coming soon. 

Not just a conference, an entire experience!

We launched our first conference all the way back in 2014. It was still the wild west of online teaching and we did something no one else was: we provided a Christian homemaking conference that brought tons of Titus 2 women together to teach and learn together. 

For the past decade, our online conferences have stood out of the pack as one of a kind, original, and insanely fun!  And now, in 2024 we are shaking up the online space once again by taking these online conferences to the next level. 

Prior to this year, we charged a one time fee to attend our online conference. Typically about $60-99 per conference (and we usually host 1-2 conferences per year). The overhead cost of running an online business is astronomical (plus this is my husbands full time job and the only way we can pull off these events is with him at the helm full time). 

 But this year, it's all about to change. And for the better! 

This year, you can join our brand new Recession Resistance Online Conference for just under $11. That's right! $10.39 will give you full access to the conference, just like your $60-99 ticket would in years past.  

What's the catch? 

Well the catch is, that $10.39 is not just purchasing a ticket to this year's conference, it's actually giving you access to our ENTIRE brand new Joyful Home App/Website Experience.

Okay, so it's not really a catch so much as a HUGE GIANT perk. 

Use coupon code: RESISTANCE to get 20% off your Joyful Home App Subscription, making it just $10.39 per month (this early bird offer expires Wednesday October 2nd)!. And hint hint: You can sign up for just one month and then cancel if you don't want to stick around after the conference...but once you see what is in this app, you will definitely want to stick around ;) 

Join the Joyful Home App Today! And get full access to the conference 💕

The Joyful Home App is a one of a kind resource library for the whole family!

It's a Christian library of audiobooks, video series, online conferences, help, resources and more for the entire family. You'll find resources for women, men, and children. With new content added monthly!

Access via a web browser, apple app, or android app! Your account is accessible across devices. So you can log in on your web browser, your husband can sign in on his android app, and your kids can listen to audiobooks via their ipad app - all with ONE account!! 

Hi, I'm Jami Balmet if we haven't met already. My husband Jason and I have been running our online business since 2015 (I started my blog way back in 2009)! But in 2015, we took the leap to have Jason quit his corporate job (that was killing him) and come home to be the CEO of our fledgling business.

Throughout the years God has been so kind to allow this small business to be our family's full time income (although the amount of work that goes into running a small business IS staggering 😂), while also growing our family with 8 wonderful children. 

We've launched our extremely popular podcasts, hosted 10 years of online conferences, written books, produced audiobooks, and so much more.

Throughout the years, as our interests and the needs of our audience has grown, we spread ourselves thin with many different projects. While it was an exhausting time, the result is hundreds of hours of online training videos, a children's book series about the National Parks, and countless other incredible resources.

We decided it was finally time to simplify this all and take our content creation to the next level. BUT the key piece missing was the technology.

We've had the dream for years about building our own REAL app. But the tech was either beyond us (we are not coders) or it cost a good $30k to get started. This has all changed this year with access to some incredible new technology which has made our dream come true.

The Joyful Home App is the result of more than a decade of hard work producing Biblical, Gospel Centered resources for families. Our emphasis is on thoroughly Biblical resources that are practical and can be put into real action in your home.

Finally you can find absolutely everything we do online all in one place. All of our digital resources will be here (keep checking back because Jason is working hard getting everything uploaded over the next couple of months. New things will be popping up weekly)! 

Wait, that's not all!! 

You can sign up for less than $11 to join us for the 2024 Recession Resistance Online Conference. The conference will go live October 16-18th and you will get full access to it. 

But what about the rest of September and October? How will you wait the time away until the new conference airs? With your Joyful Home App, you can go through all of our past online conferences for FREE!! 

We've got several of our more recent past online conferences already on the app. But Jason's working hard all month getting the rest uploaded (and don't worry, there's hundreds of hours of amazing content already there for you to go through)! 

Just use coupon code: RESISTANCE to get 20% off your app subscription! This applies to the monthly subscription as well as the annual subscription (which already includes 2 free months)! 

You can totally just join for this next month and then cancel before it renews in 30 days ❤️ You are never locked into anything with the app! 

Join us today - Here's what you get:

  • Access to the full online conference October 16-18th
  • A printable conference notebook to put your new plans into immediate action! 
  • A community of like minded women all going through this conference together! 
  • PLUS access to the ENTIRE Joyful Home App library which contains 14 past online conferences, courses, audiobooks, and so much more! 

And you get ALL of this with your app subscription! Sign up by Wednesday October 2nd for 20% off the app! Use coupon code: RESISTANCE at checkout! 

Sign up for the app today!

With the conference, you are also going to get this 4 part How to Make Kombucha Series! You can dive into it right away on the App.

 Learn how to brew kombucha with Jami Balmet

This has been one of my MOST requested topics. I love brewing Kombucha and Jun Tea (we will cover what that is). And in this mini course, I teach you everything you need to know to make your own kombucha including: sourcing the tea and scoby, getting started, flavorings and second ferment, and more! 

Lesson #1: Getting Started Brewing Kombucha 101!

Are you ready to brew Kombucha? Are you overwhelmed with the basics? Do you want to know the difference between kombucha and Jun tea? This first lesson covers all of that and more. 

Lesson #2: Gathering All the Tools You'll Need

The quality of the tea you use to brew kombucha matters and you'll need just a couple of extra things like a glass ajar and a scoby. Thankfully, it's very easy to pull together what you need to make kombucha (and very inexpensive)! In this lesson, Jami shares her favorite place to buy tea and tools for kombucha!

Lesson #3: Starting your scoby

Now it's time to dive in and start your own kombucha. This begins with starting your scoby. What is a scoby, how do you get it started and how do you keep it alive? It's all way more doable and simple than you think. In this lesson, Jami walks you through it all! 

Lesson #4: Flavoring your kombucha

This is the final stage in your kombucha process and it's the most rewarding! We are going to learn what a second ferment is and how to flavor your kombucha. Once you work through this lesson, you'll be able to brew kombucha for years to come!

Join the app here!
Hurry! Your 20% off ends October 16th. Use coupon code: RESISTANCE My countdown

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