A one of a kind resource library for the whole family!

A Christian resource of audiobooks, video series, online conferences, help, resources and more for the entire family. You'll find resources for women, men, and children. With new content added weekly!

I'm excited to introduce you to the Joyful Home App (and website)! It's only just the beginning 😍

Check out the Joyful Home App Today!


Sign up this month for the Joyful Home App and lock in a special price!

Just use coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 to get 20% off your subscription, for life! As long as you have your subscription, you'll get 20% off month after month!


Normally $12.99 per month

You'll need to check out on the website in order to use the coupon code! While you can check out in the app stores, they don't allow us to use coupons. So just sign up on the website and it'll have you make an account. You can then take that log in and sign into the app!

Check out the Joyful Home App Here!

Sign up to get 20% off the app & website using coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 - for a limited time!!









Access via a web browser, iPhone app, or Android app! Your account is accessible across devices. So you can log in on your web browser, your husband can sign in on his Android app, and your kids can listen to audiobooks via their iPad app - all with ONE account!!

A one of a kind resource library for the whole family!

View a Demo

New audiobooks, videos, and series coming out monthly! Just wait until you see all that we have planned for this incredible new resource!


So what exactly IS the Joyful Home App?

Hi, I'm Jami Balmet if we haven't met already. My husband Jason and I have been running our online business since 2015 (I started my blog way back in 2009)! But in 2015, we took the leap to have Jason quit his corporate job (that was killing him) and come home to be the CEO of our fledgling business. 

Throughout the years God has been so kind to allow this small business to be our family's full time income (although the amount of work that goes into running a small business IS staggering 😂), while also growing our family with 7, almost 8 children! 

We've launched our extremely popular podcasts, hosted 10 years of online conferences, written books, produced audiobooks, and so much more. 

Throughout the years, as our interests and the needs of our audience has grown, we spread ourselves thin with many different projects. While it was an exhausting time, the result is hundreds of hours of online training videos, a children's book series about the National Parks, and countless other incredible resources. 

We decided it was finally time to simplify this all and take our content creation to the next level. BUT the key piece missing was the technology. 

We've had the dream for years about building our own REAL app. But the tech was either beyond us (we are not coders) or it cost a good $30k to get started. This has all changed this year with access to some incredible new technology which has made our dream come true. 

The Joyful Home App is the result of more than a decade of hard work producing Biblical, Gospel Centered resources for families. Our emphasis is on thoroughly Biblical resources that are practical and can be put into real action in your home. 

Finally you can find absolutely everything we do online all in one place. All of our digital resources will be here. 

AND simplifying and having everything all in one place will allow us to finally get to the new resources you have been asking for! Launching this new app will allow us this year to tackle our most requested products from you guys including: 

  • Bring back the Titus 2 Minute Podcast
  •  Start back up Baking School with Jami  
  • Dive back into the Household Hermeneutics Podcast 
  • Produce our 2024 Finding Joy in Your Home Online Conference (that's right, instead of a $40-60 ticket, you'll get this year's conference (INCLUDED in your app subscription 😱) 
  • Record lots of new audiobooks
  • Write our theology basics booklets + audiobooks
  • Tackle new projects like book review videos and more
  • Jami has several books she would like to write on topics you've requested (like time management & productivity, a beginner's guide to healthy living, and surviving life with little kids) 
  •  Writing Sterling Spectacles books #7 & #8

And these are just our FIRST projects we are going to tackle. We also have big dreams of new video courses, documentaries (oooh these ideas are fun, I can't wait to share with you), resources for kids, and so much more. 

By putting all of our eggs in one basket, it will allow us to do so much more. And it just so happens to be a MASSIVE win win as you then get access to everything we do.  

If you've ever seen our latest conference or Bootcamp and wished you could participate, but too many new products just add up, then this is terrific news. You will no longer have to pay separately for all of those things! 

Moving forward, we are combining ALL of our paid digital resources into ONE thing: The Joyful Home App. 

In our business, we are constantly working on new projects, new bootcamps, new courses, etc that all require a fee (usually $20-60 apiece). Each time something new comes out, you have to decide if it's worth that extra cost or not. But with the app, you'll no longer have to make that decision. 

So for example, our 2024 Finding Joy in Your Home Online Conference will be coming up in May. This conference would normally be $60 for a ticket to this 3-4 day conference. But now, with this change, all you need is your app subscription and you will get full access to the conference. 

If you are not an app subscriber, guess what? You can sign up for just one month, pay $10 and attend the entire conference! Or instead, pay for 6 months of the app with the same fee you would pay in past years for that 1 conference. 

But your $10 doesn't just give you access to the conference, it will give you access to new audiobooks, training videos, tutorials, eBooks, past online conferences and so so so much more. 

Then, let's say July rolls around and we teach a new meal planning bootcamp (or something similar). This bootcamp would normally cost $20-40 to attend. But you get it right along in your $10 subscription. OR sign up just for July and attend the BootCamp! 

You can see that while this app will greatly simplify our life and ability to give you guys even MORE, it also ends up saving you so much money in the long run AND you get to participate in absolutely everything! I call this a win-win-win-win 💪😍

By the way: You absolutely can sign up for a month, cancel, then sign up again later. You are never locked into anything :) Come and go as you need!!  

The best way to really see what this new project is, is to just jump over to the website and check it out

You can access the app from a computer browser, your mobile browser, or by downloading the apple app, or the android app. Because of all the additional fees from Apple and Andriod, it's cheapest to sign up on the web and then you can download the app and sign in from there! 

We can't wait to develop this app further with your input and see some incredible new resources this year (and into the future)!!  

in Christ,
Jami and Jason Balmet (and our entire crew)!


Sign up this month for the Joyful Home App and lock in a special price!

Just use coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 to get 20% off your subscription, for life! As long as you have your subscription, you'll get 20% off month after month or year after year!


Normally $12.99 per month

You'll need to check out on the website in order to use the coupon code! While you can check out in the app stores, they don't allow us to use coupons. So just sign up on the website and it'll have you make an account. You can then take that log in and sign into the app!

Check out the Joyful Home App Here!

Sign up to get 20% off the app & website using coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 - for a limited time!!









Oh, and one more thing!

We've been taking steps to become "cancel-proof". We've increasingly seen friends and fellow business owners get their videos taken down, their Patreons canceled, sponsors dropping them, YouTube or IG channels deleted, and their very livelihood threatened for being conservative Christians. If you stand up for Biblical values online today, it's a when not an if  you will be targeted.

Our new app is about as cancel proof as we can get and we are so excited about this step! Our entire platform for this new app is built on a Conservative Christian platform. The company is unabashedly Christian and fighting for Christian resources on the internet. And they will certainly never cancel us!

Your monthly payment here on our app has a trickle down affect for small businesses and families. You are, of course, supporting our family's full time income (thank you!!), but you are also helping to support the illustrator we work with who is a Christian stay at home mom, all of our freelancers we work with, the small local printer who prints our material in Oklahoma and.....

You are helping to support this Christian tech company who is going to head to head with big tech, providing other Christian companies, not just ours, with a voice online today. Our investment in this technology and this business is not insignificant and we LOVE that we can take this business buying power away from big tech companies who hate us and give it to a company who loves Christ and wants to see more Christian resources out there!

I know this is a bit of a ramble. But it's become important to Jason and I to participate in the change we want to see in our culture today. It WORKS to fight back and create Christian alternatives. And our new app is just one tiny part of that 💕

Thank you for being around here and helping to create change as well! We KNOW that budgets are incredibly limited today and we are so honored when you choose to use any of that precious budget with our business. We do not take that lightly!! 🥰