Have you always wanted to start a podcast, but it just never seems to happen?

Join Jason Balmet for an intensive 4-week class to and launch that podcast you've been dreaming of. Discover the POWER of podcasting, learn the skills and technology you need, and understand how to profit from your podcast both directly and indirectly. 

Nearly every small business can benefit from a podcast in 2022. Join Jason to finally get yours started! 


In this step-by-step course you'll learn: 

1. Why a podcast is such a vital component to a small business

Some people think the podcasting world is over-saturated. But for a small business, this simply isn't true! Content is still king and a podcast is an incredibly way to reach new audiences, build super-fans, and convert your audience into paying customers.

2. All the technical things you'll need! 

THIS is the part that trips most people up from starting a podcast. WHAT equipment do you need? How do you record? Where do you host the podcast? And the list of questions goes on. Jason dives into alllll the details, and provides tutorials, screen shots, and more that you'll need to make this part a breeze!

3. Launching & promoting your new podcast

Now that you've got your idea down and you can handle the tech involved, it's time to launch! We will discuss ways to launch, grow your audience, profit from your podcast directly through sales and indirectly by growing your customer base, and so much more. 


Head down below to see exactly what each module and lesson in this action oriented course includes. 

Jami and I launched our first podcast in 2014. And it was HARD.  


I can't even begin to tell you the hours we both wasted trying to google and figure out all of these things. 

It sounds like a great idea to say "I'm going to start a podcast!" It's another thing entirely to actually pull it off. 

Thankfully with all the tools we have today, starting a podcast doens't have to be a nightmare. And I want to be your guide for it. 

We've launched half a dozen podcasts over the years and have helped countless other blogging and small business friends launch their podcasts. Now, we've finally compiled everything we know about podcasting into one, easy to follow course. 

So come join us and let's launch your podcast TOGETHER! 

Hi, I'm Jason Balmet.

In 2009, my wife Jami started a hobby blog. Over the next couple of years, she started making a little bit of money with it. Soon, I got the entrepreneurial bug too. And we both soon fell in love with being entrepreneurs. In 2014 we launched her first solo podcast and our business really started to take off. 

Since then, we've launched 5 other podcasts in different niches, and it continues to be our favorite way to deliver valuable content. 

In an online world where social media reach is down and the noise online can feel overwhelming, it can feel so difficult as a small business owner to reach our intended audiences (and GROW that audience)! 

Well, this is where the beauty of podcasting comes into play. No need to rely on finicky algorithms or tricking the system. Create great content for your audience - and it delivers! 

Take this course to learn why a podcast is our #1 recommendation for small businesses in 2022 AND all the ins and outs of doing it! 


4 Week Intensive Syllabus

This class is not currently taught life. You will get immediate lifetime access to the material to use when you have the time! 

Week #1: Developing your podcast

To start, we’re going to help you develop your podcast concept. Why should you start a podcast? How will it serve your business and your audience? We’ll dig into finding the ideal topic, and we’ll craft the perfect name and show description that encapsulates the topic.

Week #2: The Practical 

Once you’ve got your why and your what, we need to start on the how. When starting a podcast, there are many bits and pieces you may not think about that need to be squared away. What recording equipment should you buy? Which programs should you use to edit the show? How do you edit the show? How do you get your podcast artwork and music created? Week #2 will give you screen by screen tutorials, links, and ALL the resources you need to start your podcast. 

PLUS a Q&A time with Jason to answer any lingering questions you might have!

Week #3: The Platform

Okay, you’ve figured out your show and you’ve taken care of the technical aspects of creating it. Now it’s time to determine how you’re going to host your show, create the RSS feed, and get it out to your audience! We’ll also cover what to do about show notes.


Week #4: Getting the word out (& making money!) 

Now that you’ve got the creative and technical aspects of your podcast all sorted, it’s time to think about growing your audience and monetizing your show. We’ll cover strategies to promote your podcast as well as how to put its best foot forward to grow organically, and also how to secure sponsorships and other money-making ideas.

Get a FREE Podcast planner!

Jami and I both know that it's easy to purchase an online course - only to never get to it or implement all you learn. 

So we've got some terrific printables for you to help you get your podcast all planned and to put everything you've been learning into ACTION!  

Jump in now!

This class is not currently taught life. You will get immediate lifetime access to the material to use when you have the time! 

Dynamite Podcasting Course

(Get access to the full course + free printables without any extra bells and whistles.)

âś… 4 week intensive course

✅ Additional Q&A videos from Jason

✅ Podcast planner to help you get it planned out and into action!

Enroll now for $147!

Frequently Asked Questions