Practical Homemaking

What is practical homemaking?

Everything we do, from scrubbing toilets to teaching little hearts is all connected to the

Everything we do in life is for Christ - 1 Corinth 10:31

Life is full. Life is busy. Life can be chaotic. It's very easy to move through the motions, drifting from one hectic task to the next, never stopping to ask "What is the greater point of it all?" 

When we do stop and ask that, we often fall into one of two errors. 1) We focus exclusively on the here and now. We spend all our money on a fancy new kitchen remodel. We make sure our life is fun and working smoothly. But we forget the bigger picture. Or 2) We fall into the opposite problem and over spiritualize everything. We see things only in the Spiritual realm and thus greatly neglect the importance of the here and now and living for Christ's Kingdom TODAY. 

Here in this ministry, we aim to combine both.

We don't want to be like the gnostics who think that the only thing that matters is the Spiritual. For sure, our relationship with the Lord, and training and teaching up our children in the Lord IS the most important work. 

But that most important work is carried out in the here and now. It's carried out, and taught through, scrubbing toilets, wiping noses, planning for the future, caring for our homes well, filling all these bellies, and so much more. 

So, practical homemaking combines the Gospel with Kingdom living.

God has a LOT to say about our day to day living. We can have powerful Kingdom impact in our lifetimes and pass this mission down to our kids. What we do every single day in our homes has eternal impact AND earthly impact. It matters. 

So what we want to do here at Finding Joy in Your Home is stand firmly rooted in God's Word and work out how that applies to every single area of our life. 

All of Christ, for all of Life. That's our motto we want to carry into 

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